It’s time to release the latest round of Biden’s most recent blunders. Let’s take a look at a few humorous clips from the past few weeks.

Biden’s Most Recent Funny Blunders

Biden never seems to fail to give us enough content for our humorous Biden Blunders articles, and this time is no different. Enjoy!

Here are a few of our President’s latest funny moments:

In this clip, Biden is seen having a little trouble remembering that he went to Ireland just a few weeks ago. Lucky for him a young child helped him remember.

A child asks Biden what living in the White House is like. He invited her inside, but the little girl didn’t want to go.

In this clip, you’ll hear Biden make a false claim about his Grandfather and how they were in the same hospital, weeks apart. However, it turns out that’s not an accurate statement.

Here’s the full clip:

Here, Biden is seen walking away from the podium and stands.

In this clip with South Korea’s President Yoon Suk-yeol walk around awkwardly during his visit to the United States.

Just for fun, here’s a clip of South Korea’s President singing “American Pie” at the White House.

During the signing of a Presidential order, Biden put his hands on the desk and began to touch it, saying to reporters ‘the desk is hot’. See a clip of that moment below.

We’re not sure this is actually funny, but we found a recent clip of President Donald Trump mimicking one of Biden’s famous blunders.

Theme Alert! Maybe President’s aren’t given enough information on where they should go after speeches and presidential dealings, because Trump was caught wandering around on stage too!

Further Reading:

“Let’s Go Lick the World”, Biden’s Blunders in Ireland

President Biden’s Recent Blunders

President Biden Ratings and his Embarrassing Blunders

Saudi Arabia Pokes Fun of Biden and Kamala in Skit

Biden’s Trouble Reciting a Short Poem

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