Saudi state TV aired a sketch where the actor playing President Biden stumbled up Air Force One stairs, satirizing Biden’s blunders.

Saudi Arabia Makes SNL-Like Skit About America’s Leaders

Saudi Arabia’s state-run television network aired a skit where the actor playing the president stumbles as he climbs the staircase leading to Air Force One while the comic portraying Vice President Kamala Harris looks on in horror.

The sketch satirized the actual blunders of 80-year-old Biden, who has a tendency to frequently lose his equilibrium.

Another clip from the show “Studio 22” went viral on Friday, showing the actor playing Biden concluding a speech and waving from a White House podium with two flags in the background.

The sketch was notable given the deteriorating state of US-Saudi relations since Biden took office in January 2021.

As a candidate, Biden had vowed to shun de facto Saudi ruler Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman, whom Western intelligence officials blame for the gruesome 2018 killing of US-based commentator Jamal Khashoggi.

Twitters users pointed out the “real life” Biden doing similar things as in the satire skit.

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