Speeding Gang Member Crashes Uber, Kills Sisters And Best Friend

A man crashed a car going 100mph into an Uber, killed three passengers, has a lengthy rap sheet, and was on probation in a murder case. 

Gang Member Speeds and Kills

Gregory Black, 31, faces vehicular manslaughter charges in the Saturday morning crash at Vermont Avenue and Century Boulevard that killed sisters Veronica Amezola, 23, and Kimberly Izquierdo, 27, and their childhood friend Juvelyn Arroyo, 23.

Black – who is a known gang member with three felony convictions – is said to have run a red light in his white Mercedes-Benz at 5:25 am and T-boned the Uber, causing the fatal impact.

Police said that after striking the victim’s vehicle, the Black’s vehicle spun out of control and landed on the center median, police said. The collision was so powerful that one of the victims was ejected, and police found a body in the street. Another victim had to be extracted from a vehicle.

Black also faces special allegations of two or more prior felony convictions and aggravated circumstances of great bodily injury, according to the district attorney’s office. He pleaded not guilty at his arraignment at the Compton Courthouse on Tuesday. He is due back in court next week.

Black, a “well-known local gang member,” at the time of the collision, was serving a five-year probation for attempted murder, Los Angeles Police Detective Ryan Moreno said.

Black’s “checkered past” includes 11 felony bookings and three convictions, the detective said, adding that he had two criminal “strikes” against him, including a “super strike.”

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One thought on “Speeding Gang Member Crashes Uber, Kills Sisters And Best Friend”
  1. They dont care – at all – If they did ask yourself this question:
    Black, was serving a five-year probation for attempted murder, faces special allegations of two or more prior felony convictions and aggravated circumstances of great bodily injury, and his past: includes 11 felony bookings and three convictions,. Black had two criminal “strikes” against him, including a “super strike.”

    BUT: and the BUTS important: He was Out romancing the streets looking for new victims and he found them. They will slap his hand, pat him on the a$$ and let him go again.
    If I were the Justice system he’s be having a burial right now.
    But Biden would rather go after Trump, Christians and Conservatives and let these demonic people go free

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