Safeway ‘Tap To Pay’ Charges Card While In Woman’s Purse

A woman in San Francisco, was stunned to find out that she paid with her groceries with a credit card that was still in her purse.

Woman Shocked Credit Card Charged While in Purse

A Bay Area woman has doubts, after a card reader at the grocery store reached into her purse and charged her credit card — without her knowing it!

“I did not authorize a charge on my credit card. Period,” Destiny said. “I felt violated.”

As usual, she paid for the groceries with cash, or tried to.

“I took out the money, handed it to the cashier, and she takes the money and looks at the register and says, ‘Oh, they already charged your American Express card,'” Destiny said.

The Tap to Pay system reached into her purse and charged her credit card, without her knowing it.

The charge shows up right there on the receipt, and later on her credit card statement. Destiny said it was an unauthorized charge on her card, which she didn’t want to use.

She filed a fraud dispute with American Express, a police report, a complaint with the district attorney’s office and she called Safeway.

This Isn’t The First Time

A Safeway in another store charged his Bank of America credit card while it was still in his pocket, in his wallet.

Here are several examples of it happening to unsuspecting citizens.

Safeway commented on the incidents saying:

“A customer may inadvertently place their wallet or purse over a point-of-sale terminal causing the payment to be applied to a credit card stored inside (a) wallet. We take corrective action when this occurs… as this technology is present in retailers of all sizes, this situation extends beyond Safeway.”

How Tap to Pay Works

Newer credit cards have a newer RFID technology that lets you pay by tapping it on a payment terminal. Those cards have a symbol that looks like a series of curved lines.

A store’s payment terminal will pick up the radio frequency in the card to process a one-time payment.

But the readers are only supposed to charge when a customer taps the card or holds it within a few centimeters of the panel.

Safeway did not say why its reader charged her card while it was in her purse, or how often this has happened.

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