A lot has been going on lately around the world, not to mention in the United States and issues Joe Biden has been tending to. Let’s catch up on a few lighthearted Biden Blunders!

Biden’s Blunders and Lighthearted Moments

During his remarks at the United States Firefighter Summit, President Joe Biden took out a handkerchief to do the “unthinkable” for a President.

The President’s words were muffled as he spoke from behind his tissue he needed to wipe his nose with a handkerchief. He was seen coughing, wiping his nose, and clearing his throat often.

We do hope he is ok, and not coming down with a cold.

Joe Biden delivered remarks yesterday from the White House to address the conflict currently raging in Israel. Over one thousand civilians have reportedly been killed in that conflict, including at least 14 Americans.

Biden struggled at several different points, at one point bringing back his ‘creepy whisper’.

See a clip of that moment below…

Iran is the largest state sponsor of terrorism in the world.


Biden calls Hamas, ‘mas’, below…

Vice President Kamala Harris and Secretary of State Anthony Blinken were standing behind Biden while he delivered these remarks, each of them with a stern look on their faces.

After addressing the Israeli conflict, Biden closed his notebook, and shuffled away from the press.

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