Paul Pelosi’s Attacker Wore Just Underwear, Allegedly Had Politician ‘Target List’

Paul Pelosi’s viscous attacker broke in through the sliding glass door early Friday morning and reportedly was only wearing his underwear.

Paul Pelosi Attacked With Hammer

Paul Pelosi suffered terrible injuries and underwent brain surgery – on his skull – today after being attacked with a hammer in the early morning this past Friday.

Photo from Daily Mail

Officials arrested the suspect at approximately 2:27 am after being called for a well-being visit.

“The suspect pulled the hammer away from Mr. Pelosi and violently assaulted him with it,” San Francisco Police Chief William Scott said during a news briefing later that morning. “Our officers immediately tackled the suspect, disarmed him, took him into custody, requested emergency backup, and rendered medical aid.”

The suspect is Devid DePape, 42, a hemp jewelry maker and former nudist originally from British Columbia who, according to the Daily Mail.

The Details

DePape entered the home through a sliding glass door at the back of the house, who was in search of Nancy Pelosi.

He confronted Paul Pelosi, yelling: ‘Where is Nancy? Where is Nancy?.’ DePape tried to tie up Paul Pelosi ‘until Nancy got home.’ When police arrived, the suspect told them: ‘We’re waiting for Nancy,’ CNN reported.

It’s not yet known if the hammer that was used to beat Paul Pelosi was the attacker’s or Paul’s. When the officers entered the home they reported that Pelosi and the suspect were both holding a hammer. The suspect pulled the hammer away from Pelosi and “violently assaulted” him with it.

The officers immediately tackled the attacker and took him into custody.

It is reported that Paul underwent surgery for a fractured skull, and is expected to make a full recovery. He also suffered serious injuries on both his left arm and on both hands.

Additional Details About the Attacker

According to FOX KTVU “Sources told KTVU that authorities found a manifesto belonging to 42-year-old David DePape that contained conspiracy theories and anti-government COVID beliefs. He also allegedly had a list of other politicians he planned to target.”

DePape grew up north of the border but moved from British Columbia to California 20 years ago. He followed a love interest, his stepfather told CNN, and family members have insisted he was a ‘good kid’.

Photo from Daily Mail

DePape had three children with Russian-Born nudist activist Gypsy Taub. An acquaintance told CNN that DePape struggled with hard drugs about eight years ago but was on his way to recovery. However, the acquaintance said DePape sent disturbing emails which made him sound out of touch and dangerous.

Reports say his social media was filled with strong personal opinions on what happened during political events like 9/11, January 6, and the 2020 election.

As speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi has a full-time security detail with her but her husband would not have federal protection. 

The motive for the incident is still under investigation.

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