Unwanted insects like mosquitoes in the summer time, not only create a nuisance but can also transmit unwanted diseases.

Unwanted insects like mosquitoes in the summer time, not only create a nuisance but can also transmit unwanted diseases.

Keep Mosquitoes Away, Natually

In Michigan, the first deadly mosquito-borne virus of 2023 has already been reported. While wearing repellents containing DEET, picaridin, or IR3535 and minimizing pooling water are effective ways to deter mosquitoes, there is another option worth considering: plants. Certain plants possess scents and properties that naturally repel mosquitoes. Discover a selection of these plants below, which can help you enjoy mosquito-free summers.

Lavender: Natural Aromatic Repellent

Mosquitoes despise the smell of lavender. These aromatic plants contain linalool, an oil that effectively repels insects like mosquitoes. Furthermore, lavender’s enchanting appearance and fragrance make it a delightful addition to any setting.

Citronella: A Lemon-Scented Shield

Citronella plants are a popular choice for warding off mosquitoes. Their lemony fragrance can mask the scent of humans, keeping mosquitoes at bay. Although citronella-scented candles provide some level of protection, they are not potent enough for complete mosquito control. Entomologist Mark VanderWerp from Rose Pest Solutions suggests using citronella plants or alternatives like lemongrass and lemon verbena, ensuring you purchase true citronella plants that contain the effective oils. Additionally, the oils and scent of citronella plants have the added benefit of repelling other insects, including ticks.

Marigolds: Nature’s Insecticide

Not only are marigold flowers visually appealing, but they also possess a natural insecticide that kills mosquitoes. Planting marigolds near doorways and areas where you spend time can create a mosquito-free zone, as these pests are repelled by the presence of these vibrant blooms.

Catnip: More Than a Feline Delight

Catnip isn’t just beloved by cats; it also contains a compound that acts as a repellent, potentially even more effective than DEET. Similar to citronella plants, catnip can help mask human scent, discouraging mosquitoes from approaching. Growing catnip is relatively easy, as it thrives in various soil types and both sunny and shady conditions.

Mint: A Refreshing Repellent

Mint’s characteristic menthol scent serves as a natural and nontoxic insect repellent. The strong aroma wards off mosquitoes, making it an excellent choice for deterring these pesky insects. Other herbs typically associated with culinary use, such as basil and rosemary, also possess mosquito-repelling properties.

To combat mosquitoes and enjoy mosquito-free summers, considering natural alternatives to chemical repellents is a wise choice. Plants like lavender, citronella, marigolds, catnip, and mint offer effective mosquito repellent qualities.

Whether through their scents, natural oils, or insecticidal properties, these plants provide an eco-friendly way to keep mosquitoes at bay.

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