First Contactless Fingerprinting System Launched in U.S.

The Myrtle Beach Police Department is the first in the United States to receive the ForenScope 8K and Contactless Laboratory Fingerprint System.

The Myrtle Beach Police Department is the first in the United States to receive the ForenScope 8K and Contactless Laboratory Fingerprint System.

Myrtle Beach’s New Contactless Fingerprinting Sytem

The brand-new technology, ForenScope 8K and the Contactless Laboratory Fingerprint System, was given to the police department through a grant. This new technology will allow investigators to obtain fingerprints without having to touch a person or anything during their interactions.

It’s digital and is contactless which helps avoid the risk of tampering with police evidence. The system also detects bodily fluids and gunshot residue allowing investigators to use it on pretty much any crime.

“With it being able to get fingerprints, bodily fluids, helping out with counterfeit bills, gunshot residue. There’s a multitude of different things it can be used for,” said Cpl. Chris Starling. “You name the crime and it’s hopefully something we can find a way to use it for.”

The Myrtle Beach Police Department’s crime scene team is underway to train and learn how to use the new system. Soon the department says they’ll be able to take it out to active scenes and use it immediately.

Investigators claim this new system is more efficient and will likely in resolving crimes faster than normal.

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One thought on “First Contactless Fingerprinting System Launched in U.S.”
  1. Ruh..Roh…

    Looks like many more Communists (DemocRATs) are going to be identified and hopefully incarcerated like a good Commie should be.

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