Woman Returns Library Book 45 Years Later

The town library of Woolworth in England had quite a surprise when a lady returned a book she had borrowed in 1978.

The woman in question reportedly borrowed the book Tolkien’s World by Randel Helms while working at Woolworth, but when she lost her job, she moved and took the copy with her, thinking she had returned it.

While cleaning recently, she found the book, which she eventually returned to the library, which graciously accepted the document.

“Of course, we don’t fine customers for late books, even if it’s been decades,” Blackpool Libraries said in a Facebook post.

“So if you’re avoiding us because you lost a book in 1976, you’re not in trouble, I promise,” we add with humor in the publication.

This policy of no late fees is also in place in several libraries in Quebec, including the National Archives library (BAnQ).

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