Woman Rescued After Held Captive in Trailer for 4 Years

A woman in Texas was rescued after four years of being held captive in a mobile home.

Imprisoned Woman Finally Rescued

According to KTRK, on Wednesday night, firefighters employed power tools to slice through bars on a mobile home to rescue a woman who claimed she had been imprisoned there for almost four years. Harris County authorities have apprehended and charged Abraham Bravo Segura, 42, with kidnapping.

During a court hearing held on Thursday, a prosecutor stated that all the exits to the mobile home were obstructed, with burglar bars placed on all the windows. The woman who was rescued managed to discover a cellphone while Segura was away at work and utilized it to call for assistance, as per the prosecutor’s statement.

Four Years Held Captive

During Segura’s first court hearing, a prosecutor laid out the allegations.

“The defendant had kept the complainant inside a trailer for approximately four years,” the prosecutor said.

“How many years?” the hearing officer asked. “Four,” she responded.

When authorities arrived at the scene in response to the woman’s distress call on Wednesday night, bolt cutters were unable to sever the padlocks on the doors, and therefore they had to use power tools to cut through the bars.

Defendant Granted Bond If He Can Pay It

According to KTRK, Segura disputed the prosecutor’s account of events during the hearing, but the hearing officer explained that the arraignment hearing was not the appropriate forum for such a discussion.

“We’re not going to argue the facts of the case today,” the hearing officer replied.

Segura requested a court-appointed attorney.

The defendant, who works as a barber and tattoo artist, was granted a $150,000 bond and instructed to adhere to house arrest if he is able to post bail.

Segura did have one prior conviction for misdemeanor marijuana possession in 2006.

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