Nancy Pelosi released never before seen footage of her on January 6th and was filmed saying she wanted to punch President Trump in the face.

Nancy Pelosi released never before seen footage of her on January 6th and was filmed saying she wanted to punch President Trump in the face.

Here’s What Happened

On Thursday, CNN reporter Anderson Cooper covered the never before seen footage that was filmed by Alexandra Pelosi, Nancy Pelosi’s daughter, on January 6, 2021.

During the video, you can hear clearly Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) say she would happily go to jail for punching President Donald Trump if he came to the Capitol.

During Trump’s speech on January 6, he said, “And after this, we’re going walk down, and I’ll be there with you. We’re going walk down to the Capitol.”

Pelosi said, “Tell him if he comes here, we’re going to the White House.”

A staff member said, “The Secret Service said they have dissuaded him from coming to Capitol Hill. They told him they don’t have the resources to protect him here. So at the moment, he is not coming, but that could change.”

Pelosi said, “I hope he comes. I want to punch him out.”

She added, “We’re waiting for this, for trespassing on the Capitol grounds. I want to punch him out, and I’m going to go to jail, and I’m going to be happy.”

Check out the full video below:

What Else Happened

Nancy Pelosi and Mitch McConnell were inside the US Capitol on January 6, 2021. They reportedly were the two people who refused to call in the National Guard prior to that day.

According to the Gateway Pundit, Pelosi’s son, Paul Jr., was outside filming the riot.

Twitter Gone Wild

The Twitterverse went wild with accusations that Trump didn’t help protect citizens and the politicians, as well as Schumer and Pelosi.

Some followers claim it was a setup and that Pelosi’s daughter was staged to film the riot.

Others think Pelosi and Schumer should be subpoenaed regarding the offer of military aid a few days earlier.

Some people are praising Pelosi for doing a great job protecting the Capitol.

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2 thoughts on “Whoa – Nancy Pelosi Wants to “Punch” Trump!”
  1. After she had the Jan 6th riot set up now she is acting like she knows nothing about what is going on. She is so stupid. Kick her butt out of the Congress and out of the government all together and arrest her for treason.

  2. She just might be going to the hospital instead of jail afterwards, just sayin…it’s what I would do. I have never struck a woman in my life but in that situation I would not hesitate.

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