United States Border Patrol Agents in Florida have been placed on high alert in anticipation of a surge of illegal immigrants fleeing gang violence and political unrest in Haiti, according to agency emails obtained by the New York Post.

News of the department’s concerns, which are shared by other federal law enforcement agencies, comes just after acting Haitian Prime Minister Ariel Henry announced his intent to resign, ceding control of the island to an army of violent gang members.

As the Post reports, Haitian boat migrants who land on Floridan shores are unlikely to be turned away given the instability in their home country. Border Patrol officials also warn that just a single vessel full of migrants could overwhelm agency resources in a given area.

“One landing will cripple the station and our ability to respond to other traffic,” the email read. “With the breakdown of the government in Haiti, repatriating Haitians may not be happening for the foreseeable future. If this is the case, then the Coast Guard may not be stopping Haitian sail freighter[s].”

The US Embassy in Port-au-Prince, Haiti evacuated personnel as "cannibal" gang members led by Jimmy “Barbeque” Chérizier rampaged across the island.
Jimmy “Barbeque” Chérizier (AP Photo/Odelyn Joseph)

As Valuetainment previously reported, Haiti has been under a state of emergency since last week after one of the island nation’s largest criminal groups declared an open insurrection against the government.

Led by notorious gang lord Jimmy “Barbeque” Chérizier of the G9 & Family criminal enterprise, a coalition of armed (and potentially cannibalistic) gang members released over 4,000 prison inmates into the streets and rampaged across the island, calling for the ousting of Prime Minister Henry.

(AP Photo/Andrew Kasuku)
Haitian Prime Minister Ariel Henry (AP Photo/Andrew Kasuku)

Henry, currently in exile in Puerto Rico after traveling abroad, announced on Tuesday that he will step down as prime minister in the coming weeks once an interim replacement and a transitional presidential council can be appointed.

“The government that I’m running cannot remain insensitive in this situation. There is no sacrifice that is too big for our country,” he said in a statement. “The government I’m running will remove itself immediately after the installation of the council.”

The Border Patrol notice went on to emphasize the need for local medical services to be on standby at landing sites to help contain the illegal arrivals. As with any other migrant encounters, the agency is also concerned about the possibility of child trafficking.

“Often, they will claim that a juvenile is accompanied when they really are not,” the email continued. “So if there is a juvenile, make sure that that is a true parent-child relationship.”

(Source: US Border Patrol / The New York Post)

Shortly before the Post went public with the leaked document, General Laura J. Richardson of the US Southern Command testified before the House Armed Services Committee about national security concerns in Latin America and the Caribbean. Assessing the regional humanitarian crisis of “irregular migration” in the region in a prepared statement, Richardson summarized the situation in Haiti:

(AP Photo/Fernando Llano)
(AP Photo/Fernando Llano)

Gangs recently coordinated attacks, control an estimated eighty percent of Port-au-Prince and have a significant presence beyond it, dictating many aspects of daily life under their control, including the ability to move freely, seek medical assistance, or attend school.

Exposure to severe disease, lack of food, potable water, and sanitation services are just a few of the heartbreaking challenges resulting in the internal displacement of 200,000 Haitians… Political instability, unprecedented levels of violence, and tragic poverty have resulted in increased irregular migration, with more than 70,000 Haitians encountered at the United States Southwest Border in FY 2023.

In further cross-examination by Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz, Richardson agreed that “the deterioration of conditions in Haiti” drives migrants into South Florida (Miami-Dade, Broward, and Palm Beach counties), where they remain in unintegrated communities.

According to the latest United Nations data, gang violence in Haiti has displaced over 15,000 people in the last two weeks.

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One thought on “US Issues Warning Over Surge Of Haitian Illegal Aliens”
  1. America isn’t the first country that these Hiatians will come to. This is another hit job upon American soil and the American people! Why won’t they be turned away, stopped from entering our country? They are not a good people but are full of black magic, witch craft, vudoo, and, OMG, cannabalism. extreme poverty, abuse, tyranny. Why are We the People allowing our government to bring these people in to destroy us???? These people are the lowest of the low on earth. We are not fulfilling a humanitarian crisis but the utter and complete destruction of America and her people!!! Why? Why? Why?

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