New York added a satanic-looking statue to their courthouse to honor former Supreme Court Judge Ruth Ginsburg.

Controversial Satanistic Statue

The new eight-foot-tall golden statue by Pakistani American artist Shahzia Sikander stands on the roof of the state courthouse in New York’s Flatiron district next to previous statues of respected lawmakers Moses, Confucius, and Zoroaster. The demonic sculpture is meant to pay homage to Ruth Bader Ginsberg and her fight for abortion.

The statue, named “NOW,” is a female figure emerging from a pink lotus. It has braids shaped like horns and serpent-looking arms and legs.

The artist, 53, says the ‘sculpture was part of an urgent and necessary cultural reckoning underway as New York, along with cities worldwide, reconsiders traditional representations of power in public spaces and recasts civic structures to better reflect 21st-century social mores.’

“NOW” among judges and scholars, including Justinian, Manu and Louis IX on the roof of the courthouse of the Appellate Division, First Judicial Department of the State Supreme Court.Credit…Vincent Tullo for The New York Times

“She is a fierce woman and a form of resistance in a space that has historically been dominated by patriarchal representation,” said Sikander, who previously served on the New York Mayoral Advisory Commission of City Art, Monuments and Markers.

She said the work was called “NOW” because it was needed “now,” at a time when women’s reproductive rights were under siege after the U.S. Supreme Court in June overturned the constitutional right to abortion.

Bad Reviews

The Christian Post said in an email, “This is the same city that just tore down a statue of Teddy Roosevelt because it was too ‘controversial’ but a satanic symbol to glorify the murder of a child in the womb is not?  No wonder New Yorkers are leaving in droves. No one should be forced to look at this disgusting graven image of evil. Tear down this statue.”

Christopher Bedford, the executive editor of an upcoming journal at Common Sense Society, compared the statue to a demon and a “terrifying” civilization that practiced human sacrifice found inside an archeological dig. 

Sikander with her work “Witness,” which is installed in nearby Madison Square Park.Credit…Vincent Tullo for The New York Times

The installation is part of efforts by the Court of the Appellate Division to add new artworks from diverse contemporary artists to the courthouse, bringing modern perspectives on justice to the building’s existing artworks.

It is the first female statue to become part of the courthouse’s plinths. 

Satan’s Move In the USA

The New York demonic statue isn’t the first one that has been erected in the United States over the last few years. Back in 2014, the Baphomet statue below was placed at the Oklahoma State Capitol.

A similar one was stationed in Little Rock, Arkansas.

The sculpture in New York “NOW” will be removed in June when it will head to Houston, Texas. 

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