On Tuesday, NYC Mayor Eric Adams unveiled a plan to address the multibillion-dollar migrant crisis in his city.

Mayor Adams Fed Up With Influx of Migrants

Eric Adams, the Mayor of New York City, has created a new plan to hopefully help with the never-ending stream of migrants.

His plan involves resettling migrants outside of New York City and providing them with job training. Despite being a Democrat who campaigned for President Biden, Adams has pledged to speak out against the federal government’s border policies and will not let his support for the President interfere with his criticism.

Despite being recently appointed to the national advisory campaign for Biden’s re-election, Adams has dismissed the idea that his involvement would hinder his ability to criticize the President’s handling of the border crisis.

One call to action from the federal government Adams identified in his “blueprint to address New York City’s response to the asylum seeker crisis” is “a designated leader to resolve the national border crisis and coordinate all relevant agencies and entities, including those in localities where migrants settle.” 

Critics have noted Vice President Kamala Harris is already supposed to have that job. 

NYC Mayor’s Blueprint Revealed

The blueprint, named “The Road Forward,” says the city is “in the early stage of being able to assist asylum seekers in relocating to their preferred city of choice,” adding national implications to Adams’ relocation plan. “Ultimately, New York City isn’t equipped to meet the complex needs of asylum seekers given their current rapid rate of arrival,” the blueprint says. 

“For relocation within New York State, the recently released state budget includes $25 million to assist in the resettlement of certain families,” the blueprint added. 

A potential solution to resettling asylum seekers across the state is the implementation of a migrant workforce training pilot program, which would be carried out in collaboration with The Center for Discovery and SUNY Sullivan.

Asylum seekers will be given the chance to move to Sullivan County, where they can enroll in SUNY Sullivan Community College, reside in the college’s dormitories, and obtain a post-secondary certification or degree.

The blueprint includes new plans to train asylum seekers for employment through pilot programs such as partnering with houses of worship to provide temporary housing and support services, as well as teaming up with SUNY Sullivan to offer job training and housing while waiting for work authorization.

Adams Part of Biden’s Re-election Campaign

Adams is among several surrogates who’ve been tapped by Biden’s campaign team to sing the president’s praises during his anticipated 2024 reelection run.

“I dislike what we’re doing around the asylum seekers, but I always say that I believe the president is just a blue-collar president, I’m a blue-collar mayor,” Adams said of Biden. “I like his policies. I think he’s good for the country, and it doesn’t mean I’m going to agree with him 100% on everything.” 

“I think that he’s moving the country in the right direction, and I’m happy to be part of his panel,” Adams said at a press conference. “I’m glad he thought enough of New York City and what I’m doing around public safety, what I’m doing around navigating us during this difficult time.”

Since last April, New York City has experienced a surge of 50,000 asylum seekers, and at present, over 30,000 of them are still under the city’s care.

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