New Bill Will Ban Sales of These Popular Candies

California might approve a new bill banning the sale of certain chemical-ridden candies, calling them unhealthy.

California’s Concern About Human Consumption of Chemicals

California lawmakers are considering a new bill that could ban the sale of certain food items.

KTLA reported that the proposed legislation targets Skittles, Hot Tamales candy, and Dubble Bubble Twist Gum. These products contain chemicals that some argue are hazardous and pose a risk to public health, and include include Red Dye No. 3, Titanium Dioxide, Potassium Bromate, Brominated Vegetable Oil, and Propyl Paraben..

The bill is still being debated and has not yet been passed into law, however, if approved, it could have significant implications for the food industry in California.

Jesse Gabriel and Buffy Wicks, members of the California Assembly, have put forward a new bill named AB 418. This proposed legislation calls for an end to the production, sale, and distribution of certain food products containing harmful chemicals in California.

The bill is aimed at reducing the consumption of these hazardous substances and improving public health. If passed, it will have significant implications for the food industry in California.

Chemicals Could Lead to Health Problems

Gabriel’s office warns that the chemicals found in certain food products could lead to severe health problems, including a higher risk of cancer, damage to the immune system, and behavioral disorders in children.

These chemicals concern lawmakers and public health officials, who are urging the discontinuation of products that contain them. The potential health risks associated with these substances highlight the need for increased regulation of the food industry to ensure the safety and well-being of consumers.

The office said that these chemicals have the potential to result in severe health issues like elevated risk of cancer, harm to the immune system, and behavioral disorders in children.

While unfamiliar to many Californians, these chemicals are commonly found in food and beverage products. For instance, Label Insights indicates that Titanium Dioxide can be present in everyday items such as cupcakes, trail mix, and ice cream. Similarly, Propylparaben can be found in caramel chocolate.

California’s Snack Choices – Ruled by Government

“Californians shouldn’t have to worry that the food they buy in their neighborhood grocery store might be full of dangerous additives or toxic chemicals,” Gabriel said in a statement. “This bill will correct for a concerning lack of federal oversight and help protect our kids, public health and the safety of our food supply.”

“Instead, these chemicals have entered the nation’s food supply through a loophole in federal law — known as GRAS, or ‘generally recognized as safe’ — that was intended to apply to common household ingredients like vinegar,” a news release stated.

“As a result of this loophole, chemical companies have added new substances to the food supply with almost no meaningful federal oversight.”

Approval from both chambers of the state legislature and Governor Gavin Newsom is required for the bill’s enactment. Should the bill advance, California would become the first state with such a regulation.

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