Mother and Aunt Arrested For Live Streaming Child Sexual Abuse

Police rescued three young children and arrested their mother and aunt for live-streaming sexual exploitations for financial gain.

Mother and Aunt Arrested For Slickening Crime

Australian authorities alerted INTERPOL to the case in December 2022 when they discovered a video depicting the sexual exploitation of a child on the Darknet.

The video was then added to the International Child Sexual Exploitation (ICSE) database maintained by INTERPOL, allowing specialized officers from various countries to access and analyze it to gather information.

Approximately a month later, the Crimes against Children (CAC) unit at INTERPOL was notified by the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation regarding the potential identification of one of the perpetrators, and their possible location in Colombia.

The CAC unit corroborated this information and discovered several leads, ultimately preparing a detailed report for the Colombian authorities to aid in the identification of the victims.

Investigation Deepens

After receiving INTERPOL’s report, Colombia’s national police conducted an investigation and confirmed the whereabouts and identities of the three children and the two perpetrators.

They discovered that the mother and aunt had been utilizing certain online platforms to create and sell customized live videos of sexual abuse, catering to overseas “customers.”

On February 22, Colombian officials executed a well-coordinated rescue and arrest operation, in collaboration with child protection agencies, to rescue the children and apprehend the offenders.

Authorities have safeguarded victims aged 19 months, 7 and 9.

The Case is Appalling

INTERPOL Secretary General Jürgen Stock said, “This appalling case shows that live streaming child sexual exploitation is not confined to any region, it is global, and as in this case, usually involving very young children.

“We will continue to work with Colombian investigators to analyse seized devices, identify further victims and review data to find the individuals who were ordering and facilitating the horrific abuse from behind their screens,” concluded Secretary General Stock.

ICSE database has established links with 68 countries, and efforts to connect with additional countries are currently underway.

Since its inception, the database has played a vital role in the identification and documentation of over 33,000 victims and 14,900 offenders across the globe, helping law enforcement agencies bring perpetrators to justice and safeguard vulnerable children from sexual exploitation.

Authorities ensured the children received appropriate medical and psychological care following the traumatic events they experienced.

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