Journalist Physically Assaulted by Beto O’Rourke Supporters

Independent reporter Tayler Hansen was thrown to the ground after asking O'Rourke if he would disavow the surgical transitioning of children.

Independent reporter Tayler Hansen was thrown to the ground after asking O’Rourke if he would disavow the surgical transitioning of children.

Beto O’Rourke Rally

Beto O’Rourke held a rally in Dallas, Texas, on Thursday, November 3, to a room full of supporters.

During his speech, Taylor Hansen, an independent reporter, stood up with a recorder and asked if he would “disavow surgery for trans kids,” a hot topic for parents this election season.

The question was not welcomed by Beto O’Rourke himself and his supporters.

As Hansen asked, “Why do you want to mutilate children, Beto?” some in the crowd realized that the crowd was pushing Hansen toward a person in the wheelchair. As the journalist attempted to regain his footing, a man bear-hugged him and began manhandling him out of the room as the crowd hurled curses at Hansen.

“She got knocked over by that a**hole, but she got back up,” O’Rourke said.

Watch the Video

Tayler Hansen posted the video on Twitter.

Today I confronted @BetoORourke at a rally in Dallas— I asked him if he would “Disavow surgery for trans kids”. In response, I was choked by his supporters and thrown to the ground. They pulled me backwards over someone in a wheel chair.

“We’ll see you later, buddy. You’re not on the program,” O’Rourke said as the crowd went after Hansen.

Video filmed from the crowd showed O’Rourke supporters shoving and pulling Hansen from the stage area, with members of the crowd shouting, “get him out of here.”

In the process, they pulled Hansen over a person in a wheelchair. Here you can tell how they struggled to pull him out of the crowd, likely over the disabled individual.

Hansen tweeted after the incident, “I will be filing a police report with Dallas PD for assault.”

Are Journalists In Trouble?

What happened to Hansen is alarming, leaving many people to wonder if journalists are in trouble. When did it become an issue to ask a question that a large portion of Texans want to know too?

Here you can see Hansen commenting on his experience while dealing with the police officers, who told him what happened at the rally was not assault.

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