The infamous Jeffery Epstein pedophile island has been sold to billionaire Stephen Deckoff for over $60 million.

Billionaire Stephen Deckoff to Turn Pedo Island Into Luxury Resorts

Billionaire Stephen Deckoff, a resident of St. John Virgin Islands, spent $60 million to buy Jeffrey Epstein’s two Caribbean islands, which were known as the headquarters of well known pedophile’s international sex trafficking ring.

Deckoff is the co-founder of Capital Management named Black Diamonds, which oversees $9 billion in assets.

The business mogul wants to develop a state-of-the-art luxury 25-room resort on one of the islands.

Great St James and Little St James first hit the market as a combo deal for $125 million in March 2021, but this was later cut to $55 million a piece. Little St James is the infamous island where Epstein built his luxurious compound to host orgies and traffic underage girls.

Deckoff claims he has never visited the island except after it was listed for sale.

“I’ve been proud to call the U.S. Virgin Islands home for more than a decade and am tremendously pleased to be able to bring the area a world-class destination befitting its natural grace and beauty,” Deckoff, who has a net worth of $3 billion, told Forbes of his acquisition of the islands. “I very much look forward to working with the US Virgin Islands to make this dream a reality.” 

About the Islands

According to government records, the 70-acre Little St James Island was purchased by one of Epstein’s companies in April 1998 for $7.95 million. Meanwhile, the nearby Great St James was purchased by Epstein who mysteriously died in a Manhattan jail in 2019 aged 66. to keep tourists away from his hideaway. 

While the larger island spans more than 160 acres, it is largely underdeveloped. In 2016, the pedophile spent $18 million on Great St. James Island, which was once popular with locals and tourists for its main attraction, the Christmas Cove nature preserve

Who Is Stephen Deckoff?

According to Forbes, Stephen Deckoff’s net worth is currently at $3 Billion, as of May 5, 2023.

The business mogul, 57, is ranked #982 in billionaire status.

He reportedly made his fortune in private equity, working for several firms such as Drexel Burnham Lambert, Bear Stearns, and Kidder and Peabody & Co before starting his own asset management company Black Diamond Capital.

Here are additional facts about Deckoff, according to Forbes:

  • Stephen Deckoff cofounded Black Diamond Capital Management, which manages $9 billion in assets.
  • Prior to launching Black Diamond in 1995, Deckoff worked his way up at different firms, becoming senior vice president of Kidder, Peabody & Co.
  • A resident of the U.S. Virgin Islands, Deckoff donates to various community organizations in the territory.
  • He also owns multi-million dollar properties in Colorado and New York City, and a Beverly Hills mansion previously owned by the Latsis shipping family.

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