Girl Mauled By ‘Shetland Pony-Sized’ Dog

A four-year-old girl needed surgery and 40 stitches after being mauled by a huge pony-sized savage dog.

Large Dog Attacks Little Girl

Amy Hobson, 32, pulled little Luna-Ann Forsyth from the dog’s hold as it pinned her to the ground at a friend’s house.

She feared her little girl would die as the dog she described as “probably a bit bigger than a Shetland pony” ripped into Luna-Ann’s face.

She punched and kicked the beast to get it away from her daughter.

Luna was then rushed to the hospital by taxi after emergency services said an ambulance wasn’t available for several hours.

The dog was supposed to be shut in the mother’s friend’s bedroom but had got out and joined them in the living room, where it attacked Luna-Ann.

The brave four-year-old needed surgery and 40 stitches after the American bulldog-cross ripped a chunk out of her cheek in April, and will need several more operations to repair the damage. But the scars will never go away. Heartbreakingly, mum Amy Hobson says the youngster keeps asking: “Is this going to be on my face forever, Mummy?”

Luna-Ann will require several more operations to repair the damage, but the trauma will never go away, reports the Daily Mirror.

The dog that attacked Luna

The family is shocked to hear the dog is still being held in police kennels, with no decision on legal action.

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