Threats by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) have been growing exponentially, making it the most significant geopolitical threat we face.

China’s Threat to the US

According to experts, the CCP is intentionally exhibiting a pattern of aggression towards the free world by surveilling the nation on it’s own soil, committing genocide against it’s people, obscuring the origins of the coronavirus pandemic, stealing intellectual property, bullying Taiwan, and contributing to the fentanyl crisis that is affecting US communities.

The CCP has been quietly acquiring large portions of the nation’s most crucial and limited resource, rural farmland, while going unnoticed, and is causing concern for Americans.

The CCP is an adversarial government that aims to take over the free world and establish a new global order.

As an authoritarian regime, they possess the ability to strategize far into the future and make gradual moves over several decades and centuries to accomplish their objective.

Aggressive Conduct

Recognizing that their food supply chains are depleting, the CCP has understood the necessity to seek resources beyond their borders to meet their requirements.

The United States is a land that prides itself on being free, not one that is owned by the CCP.

The CCP’s aggressive conduct poses urgent threats to food supply chains and national security, making it essential for the US to adopt a prompt and defensive approach to safeguard valuable assets.

American’s Bill to Stop China

Eastern Washington Congresswoman Cathy McMorris Rodgers (WA-05) and Congressman Dan Newhouse (WA-04) today introduced the Prohibition of Agricultural Land for the People’s Republic of China Act to block China from purchasing American farmland. 

“Agriculture is Eastern Washington’s number one industry. We simply cannot allow companies from China to lock down our resources and undermine our farmers and ranchers’ ability to feed the world,” said Rodgers. “Americans should not be forced to rely on China for the food they put on the table. Prohibiting the Chinese Communist Party from purchasing farmland in the United States is a no-brainer that will support domestic food production and decrease our dangerous dependence on foreign adversaries.”

The “Prohibition of Agricultural Land for the People’s Republic of China Act” bars foreign individuals connected with the government of the People’s Republic of China from buying public or private agricultural land in the United States.

According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, China’s American agricultural land holdings have increased more than tenfold in the last decade with China investing as much as $2 billion in American agricultural land ownership at the beginning of 2020. 

The CCP will take every opportunity to threaten democracy and the people’s way of life, including agricultural supply chains. 

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