500+ Muslim, Christian Parents Protest Against LGBTQ School Agenda

Muslim and Christian parents are fighting against the LGBTQ+ school agenda, with three families filing federal lawsuits against the Board. 

Muslims and Christians Fight For Children and Religion

Interfaith parents, including Christians and Muslims, rallied outside the headquarters of the Montgomery County Public Schools in Maryland Tuesday demanding children be given the right to opt out of the district’s controversial LGBTQ curriculum

Comprised of Arab Muslims, Ethiopian Christians, and Peruvian Catholics, the crowd of 500+ parents is fed up with the Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) Board of Education’s attempts to indoctrinate their kids in LGBT radicalism.

Parents say back in March, they received an email from the Board stating they would no longer be able to have their children exempt from that part of the curriculum.

The school district has no plans to change its policy.

“Let our voices be heard,” chanted protestors ahead of the meeting.

Parents Tried Opting Their Kids Out of Lessons And Couldn’t

MCPS, the wealthiest district in Maryland, announced last year efforts to include an LGBTQ-inclusive reading list as part of its English language arts curriculum. 

The “trouble” started when these parents tried to opt their children out of the district’s LGBT curriculum, but the district said no.

“We’re asking that our children not be strong-armed at such a young age into believing certain ideas about gender and sexuality or that the school system insists on turning our children against the religious values that we hold,” said Sameerah Munshi.

Schoolboard Sued

At a prior Board of Education meeting, Muslim families testified about their concerns, only to be told by one council member, Kristin Mink, that (the entirely brown or Black) Muslim families were on the “same side” as “white supremacists.” 

Mink went on to say, “[T]o allow Muslim families to opt their children out of those books … harm[s] the LGBTQIA+ community.”

Meanwhile, Muslim students also shared stories of harm. For example, one student spoke of religious students “being bullied when they say this is against my religion.”

There is a pending lawsuit by Muslim and Christian parents against MCPS.

Further Reading:

“Muslims On Same Side As White Supremacists”

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