Professor Fired After Making Female Students Take Off Their Shirts

Female students were directed to take off their shirts and wear only bras, while their professor commented on their bodies at Montgomery College in Maryland.

Professor Under Fire For Sexual Harassment

The U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights (OCR) concluded a sexual harassment investigation into a professor at Montgomery College in Maryland.

Their findings indicate he harassed several female students by requiring them to remove shirts and stand in their bras in a classroom setting.

Students Tricked as “Medical Demonstration”

OCR said the professor, who was teaching at the school’s Takoma/Silver Spring campus, commented on the students’ bodies in what was referred to as a medical demonstration.

According to the report, when some of the women put their lab jackets on “for modesty purposes,” the professor demanded that they remove them. 

The incident, which happened at the Takoma/Silver Spring campus, was first reported in October 2019. Montgomery College says the day after the report was made, the faculty member in question was placed on administrative leave and never taught at the school again. 

“We appreciate the thorough investigation conducted by the Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights in regards to this matter. The College fully supports the determinations and resolutions outlined in its final report, made public this week,” a spokesperson for Montgomery College said. 

The Professor Was Fired

Shortly after the initial allegation, the school’s Title IX coordinator emailed all students in the professor’s class that a formal investigation would be launched.

After interviews, within three months of the initial complaint, the school’s investigation confirmed the professor’s conduct created a hostile environment on the basis of sex.

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