Sonora Smart Dodd is the visionary behind Father's Day, who was dedicated to honoring fathers and establishing a national holiday.

Sonora Smart Dodd is the visionary behind Father’s Day, who was dedicated to honoring fathers and establishing a national holiday.

Sonora Smart Dodd: The Catalyst for Father’s Day

In the early 20th century, Sonora Smart Dodd, a passionate advocate for fathers, went on a mission to establish a special day to honor them. Inspired by Mother’s Day, she felt the need to recognize the contributions of fathers too.

Dodd’s motivation stemmed from her personal experience. Raised by her widowed father, William Smart, along with her five siblings, Dodd recognized her father’s tremendous role in their upbringing.

She believed fathers deserved equal recognition and appreciation for their tireless efforts and unconditional love.

The Journey to National Recognition

Sonora Smart Dodd’s vision gained momentum when she approached the Spokane Ministerial Association in Washington, seeking their support to create an official Father’s Day.

Her proposal was met with enthusiasm, and, on June 19, 1910, the first Father’s Day celebration was held in Spokane, Washington!

The movement gradually spread across the United States, with several states officially recognizing the day. It wasn’t until 1972 when President Richard Nixon signed a proclamation, Father’s Day became a nationally recognized holiday in the United States.

Since then, it has been celebrated on the third Sunday of June each year.

Father’s Day: A Global Celebration

Celebrating Father’s Day’s popularity transcends borders, and although dates and traditions may vary, the sentiment of honoring fathers remains universal.

Here are a few examples:

Father’s Day in the UK is celebrated on the third Sunday of June, following the American tradition. Families express gratitude by pampering fathers with gifts, cards, and special outings.

Vatertag, or Father’s Day in Germany, coincides with Ascension Day, a Christian holiday that falls on the 40th day after Easter. It is an opportunity for fathers to spend time together, often involving hiking trips and outdoor activities.

Father’s Day in Australia is celebrated on the first Sunday of September. Families unite to honor their fathers and father figures, expressing appreciation through gifts, heartfelt messages, and shared meals.

Happy Father’s Day to all the fathers out there – It’s On News.

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