One of the great things about the great European Farmers’ revolt is its relentless character.
Hardly a day passes by without some group of hard working people from some European country getting in the face of authorities, media and society with their urgent plight.
Long gone are the days when the MSM tried so hard to present the agricultural fight as mere ‘demands for more subsidy’.
Today everyone understands that the escalating protests are against the failed, crippling EU environmental regulations that threaten the very existence of the food producers.
In the case of the Polish farmers, there is another specific demand against cheap, unregulated food imports from neighboring Ukraine.

After the epic general strike about two weeks ago, the Polish farmers are out in force again, this time not concentrated as an army, but peppered around the country in around 600 different protests.
The farmers again blocked roads with tractors and flares, and took their message to the whole wide world.
“Placards depicted a farmer swinging from a gallows next to wind farms and an EU-emblazoned executioner with the words: ‘Green Deal equals death of Polish agriculture’.”

Farmers are blocking ways into the capital. Tractors line the roads, mounted with Polish flags.
“Polish police said they knew of more than 580 protests planned for Wednesday, with an estimated participation of 70,000 people.”
The EU has reached provisional agreement to extend Ukrainian food producers’ tariff-free access to its markets until June 2025 – with limits on grain imports.

But Polish protest leaders reject the deal because it includes the last few years as a reference for import limits.
They want quotas based on figures from when imports were much lower.
“‘We demand quotas and that they be calculated for the period from 2000, and not as Ukraine wants 2022-2023, because that was when the (import) levels were the highest. This does not fully satisfy us, because it is not a good solution’, Slawomir Izdebski, leader of the OPZZ farmers’ union, told Reuters.”
Polish farmer have been asking for the resignation of the Polish EU Commissioner for agriculture, Janusz Wojciechowski.
Wojciechowski reacted quickly and proposed changes.
The Commission, that is the EU executive branch, has to send the proposals to the 27 EU member governments and the European Parliament for approval – so it’s not quite an iron clad guarantee.
Notes from Poland reports:
“Farmers argue that although politicians, including Tusk, have made promises to solve the problems, to date these have not been fulfilled.
‘So far, the government is not proposing anything concrete, these are only stories about what it could possibly propose,” Sławomir Izdebski, one of the protest leaders, told the Dziennik Gazeta Prawna newspaper.”
Update: On Wednesday, the EU agreed to renew teh tariff exemption for one year.
These”Unelected EU Tyrants want everyone to bow down to their authority, oh, let’s pick a victim who creates something, oh I know the farmers! The EU: WEF World Enforced Fascism under that German antichrist guy: Klaus Schwabe is the main political tyrant who loves to throw his Naziism around just kike his father who was under the boot of Adolph Hitler as an industrialist backer during WW2. Nothing to see here nothing but us political tyrants trying to conform the world to destroy OUR huddled masses!