Dominion Voting Systems Flawed, Changes Outcome of Elections

The 2021 Halderman Report was recently released which showed alarming “critical vulnerabilities” in the Dominion Voting Systems’ machines.

Here’s What You Should Know

The 2021 Halderman Report uncovered many “critical vulnerabilities” within Dominion Voting Systems’ machines, currently used in several states, including all voting locations in Georgia.

Professors Alex Halderman and Drew Springall compiled the report as part of the Curling v. Raffensperger lawsuit, shedding light on the security weaknesses of the ballot scanners and ballot marking devices (ICX), that could be manipulated and compromise voting systems.

The 96-page report states ICX machines’ security mechanisms can be undermined entirely and warn that machines can be exploited to change the outcome of elections.

The Halderman Report identifies seven key findings, one revealing how attackers can tamper with the QR codes on printed ballots, and that malware can be installed on the machines with only temporary physical access by an election worker with limited access to the scanner’s memory card.

Halderman’s technical analysis demonstrates that ICX malware can manipulate individual votes and potentially alter the outcome of most elections without detection. Even the auditability of the ballots, a crucial aspect of ensuring the integrity of the voting process, can be compromised.

Traditional methods of verification, such as risk-limiting audits or hand counts, would not be able to detect this form of cheating.

By November 2020, the Dominion Democracy Suite voting system was employed in 24 states, while the ICX devices were used across 16 states. Georgia had mandated the ICX system as its primary voting method.

These technical findings undermine Georgia voters’ security of the ICX BMD (Ballot Marking Device) system, leaving voters with limited assurance their votes are protected.

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